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This was good news for me, because I felt a charming good-looking wingman would help me improve my luck with the ladies. I learned that Park was a biology major, from California, and currently single. He did most of the talking, since I was so out of breath the entire time. He was also really friendly, and made small talk while we moved everything in. With Park’s help, we were able to get all the remaining stuff into the room in a fraction of the time it would have taken me. “Haha, that’s crazy! You must be Jae-Woo.” He stacked the two heaviest ones on top of each other and lifted them up effortlessly. “I’m sure you are, but let me help anyways,” the helpful guy offered with a smile.

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I was one of the last arrivals, having stopped for dinner on my long drive from home, which was the next state over. “I’m fine,” I lied, my shirt drenched with sweat from lugging my things up two flights of stairs.

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“Hey, do you need some help with those boxes?”

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